Saturday, February 2, 2008

Welcome to Maldives

I was nervous about meeting Noora because I didn't know what to expect. Would she be covered from head to toe, or at least be wearing a head scarf? Would the cultural divide be as obvious as a veil? The worries disappeared as soon as these friendly faces greeted my team at the Maldives Airport. (From left to right, Fasohath, Noora, myself and Ayisha.)
This welcoming committee from the Ministry of Information made us feel at ease right away, punctuating each sentence with gentle laughter. All three impressed me as fashionable, well-spoken working women, living under a Maldivian constitution that assures them their rights. Nevertheless, we saw the majority of women wearing head scarfs and traditional long clothing when we took a walk around the city of Male the following day. It appears to be a matter of choice.

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