Wednesday, February 6, 2008

NOT everywhere I want to be

Don't worry. I didn't get sent to the prison island... yet. I couldn't post for 24 hours because the internet line at our hotel was down. Actually, the VISA line for the entire country is down and we have been unable to access any of the project funding back in the US. It's pretty hard walking around here without the local currency (the rufiyaa, about 12.75 to the dollar) in your pocket.

Outside of the resort areas, not everyone takes credit cards.

Faso took me to the Bank of Maldives to see her friend who works there. Everyone knows everyone else here because the population is relatively small. The friend couldn't help since the line was down. ATMs were also down. My only alternative was to change actual dollars for local cash which required going to a bank teller. And 100 people were standing in the teller line ahead of me! Since then, the helpful ministry folks have taken steps to solve the cash flow problem, so I won't have to do this again.

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