Friday, February 29, 2008

Atoll reporter training

Here are some of the TVM reporters who work as one-person bands in the outlying atolls. We are bringing them to Male in small groups for training. They are a talented group and learned quickly after getting specific critiques of their video packages.
TV hires reporters from the more populated islands and assigns them to various bureaus while radio takes a different approach, trying to hire locals already living in the atolls.
All of the atoll reporters for radio have been here in Male since the begininng of our program, which makes it impossible for them to gather natural sound because they have to call on the phone to get soundbites.
Radio is taking advantage of the opportunity to also train atoll reporters in speaking proper Dhiveli. The language apparently has four levels, from the most formal way of speaking to slang. Ideally, broadcasters would aim for one of the higher middle levels, but a lot of slang has crept into the language, especially among the young people who have these jobs.

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