Friday, March 14, 2008

Story recap

For those of you who are new to the blog, here's the story so far:
An American TV talent coach comes to Maldives to train young journalists at the government-run TV and radio stations. Suddenly the minister puts Terry and the team in charge of both newsrooms. The TV newsroom is primarily staffed by teenagers and is perceived by the public as "children reading propaganda." There is literally a different anchor every night. The radio broadcast has older staff but sounds awful and is resistant to change.
So far we have won a measure of independence for the journalists, who are now free to cover stories about the government without reading the press releases word for word. We even met with President Gayoom on this issue and hope to meet soon with the opposition alliance.
We have also worked on everything from anchor delivery to hair and makeup, as well as reorganizing the stations' management structure as a public service broadcaster, similar to PBS in the US. We added another trainer to help develop programs, on a station where the typical programming is "How to Read the Holy Koran." This is a 100% Muslim country spread out over 12oo islands which include tent camps for survivors of the 2004 tsunami as well as some of the most elegant beach resorts in the world. They are having their first multi-party democratic election later this year if they can break the deadlock over the constitution. Only a few years ago, journalists who asked tough questions were locked up in prison, but the new constitution guarantees freedom of the press. To follow the story from the beginning, scroll back to the beginning of February.

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