Sunday, March 9, 2008

Minivan News

Judith Evans of spent half a day in my training class at TVM and did a tough but fair job of assessing the changes. She is also a darned good writer and the piece is almost a textbook example of how to write a feature story with all the complex issues woven into a narrative story structure.
Here's the link:
By the way, Minivan has nothing to do with the automotive industry. It means "freedom" in Dhivehi. Some people at TVM were nervous when Judith proposed the story because Minivan started as an opposition newspaper. However, I have found Judith and her team at the web site to be quite professional. Their aggressive reporting stands out in Maldives because people here expect the press to be a doormat for the ruling party or a flame-thrower for the opposition, with no "fair and balanced" middle ground.
As the piece points out, I showed some tapes from CTV in Sudbury, Canada, one of the stations where I coach talent. The Maldivian journalists enjoyed seeing tapes of anchors Michelle Tonner and Sonya Denton as well as the live coverage of the snow.

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