Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Class party

But the most heartfelt thanks came from "Terry's kids," the young journalists at TV Maldives. Each is unforgettable in his or her own way, but Afra summed it up best when he said, "You encouraged us to do things that we never thought we could do." Actually, they had the talent, they just didn't know it.
Heena, the single mom who may be remembered in the history books as the face of editorial freedom at TVM Maldives. Shifla, with the sunny personality that a whole nation can wake up to. She said, "I've been with TV Maldives for ten years but never had job satisfaction until now."
Sports producer Hafsee and "the girls." Waseem, Huzam, so many others.The kids spent their own money to throw this party, complete with a fancy buffet. This was just as rowdy as an end of semester "Impact" party with my college students at USC. We've adopted the song "Rehab" as our theme, with choruses that include, "They wanted me to read a press release and I said, 'No, no, no!"

We were our own paparazzi and the digital cameras got quite a workout. More pictures to follow.

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