Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Maldives makeup

Let's take a break from all the heavy constitutional and free press issues and talk about... makeup!
These anchors and reporters on the national TV channel are literally the face of Maldives. Above are three of the prettiest: Fatima, Zihunath and Nazleena, looking great after their makeup lesson. However, they often go on the air with little or no makeup, not even powder to minimize the shine. Some have uneven complexions with pockmarks. The station had makeup supplies that were kept in a locked cabinet and none of the talent had a key. Some were using the Arabic or Indian version of Max Factor pancake from the 1950s.
The CEO allowed me to set up makeup lessons for the primary male and female anchors at the Wings salon, where a Sri Lankan named Geethika taught makeup techniques customized for each person. She also applied a chemical straightener to Heena's hair so it could finally be taken down from her severe-looking ponytail. Notice how pretty she is with her professional TV makeup on!

Waseem came to the makeup lesson after staying up all night covering the fatal fishmarket accident. He fell asleep in the chair.

The idea is for each talent to learn a routine to be camera-ready, men in five minutes, women in 20 minutes or less. The women who wear burugaas don't have to worry about their hair, although the burugaa presents some other challenges on TV, such as looking bunchy or rubbing up against the microphone.
We are still waiting for the jackets and tailored burugaas we ordered from the designer Shamla, and time is running out. I'm in the final two weeks of my visit here.


Ali said...

Announcers held about 71,000 jobs in 2006. About 42 percent of all announcers worked part time. About 54 percent were employed in radio and television broadcasting. Another 30 percent were self-employed freelance announcers who sold their services for individual assignments to networks and stations, to advertising agencies, other independent producers, or to sponsors of local events.

This is taken from the above given site. It shows that even the developed countries have partime announcers .Then why are you so against partime announcers. They are also doing a great job, even some partime annoncers are far better than Heena, Shifla, Waseem and Fathmath Ali Solih. And what is with you with the Scarf. Shifla! if you want to continue with the job as an anchor, please remove the Burugaa or else You have no future in TVM.

Terry said...

Sorry, Ali, but you do not understand the American system of broadcasting at all. "Announcer" is very much a part time, freelance job for people who do voiceovers for commercials and other brief station announcements. The job of broadcast journalist is very different and requires a full time commitment to a profession. There may still be a role for part time announcers at TVM and VOM, but not in the news department.
It is still my hope that some of the talented part-timers will consider being trained to become full time journalists. But frankly, many of them were not very good because they didn't spend much time improving their skills.
As for the burugaa, I am not from this culture and will leave it for others to decide. Shifla is an amazingly talented woman and I would never be so shallow as to judge someone by their haristyle... or their burugaa... as long as the look is professional.

makeup artist Sydney said...

really cute, and the whole photo-shoot is awesome! Great blog dear, congrats! Would you like to visit mine, and why not follow each-other? Let me know: makeup artist in Sydney