Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More propaganda

A delegation from the European Commission visited the capital and we planned full coverage on the 8 pm news. Leeza's package would cover the aspects of the visit concerning global warming. Toofah and I would attend the later news conference in English and add the delegation's comments on the progress of legal and constitutional reform.
Unfortunately, the VIP unit got in the way. President Gayoom met with the delegation in the morning but didn't bother to inform the press. Instead, the predictable propaganda news release and video footage arrived at 7:45 pm, so Rameez felt he had no time to cut it down to the reasonable length of a news story. Heena was forced to read the press release almost verbatim, and it was so long that we ran out of video and had to cut the sports segment. The president also issued a religious statement about the celebration of Prophet's Birthday that Heena was also forced to read at the last minute. In the middle of this long recitation, there was a teleprompter malfunction that made a bad situation worse.
The president's press office does not seem interested in acting on our recommendation that journalists be alerted to important events on the president's schedule so that they may plan coverage. The VIP crew continues to deliver the propaganda video at the last minute, thinking that will give TVM little choice but to throw it on the air and read the press release as dictated by the president's yes-men. The news director still feels compelled to comply. Worse yet, the VIP crew is still operating in the newsroom, despite assurances that it would be transferred to the president's press office. If these practices continue there is no way to have free and fair election coverage.


"empiricus" said...

This seems to confirm again that there really is no genuine interest on Gayoom's (or government's) part to bring reforms.

Also, it is difficult to accept the excuse that the TVM is 'forced' and leave it at there. There is arguably at least no moral obligation to follow an unjust and unfair piece of law or command, the command here being to disseminate government propaganda. I'm referring to Minister Nasheed. IF he is overseeing these media outlets, there is no acceptable excuse for him to say 'we are forced' and at the same time remain in the position of a minister.

Time and again we have seen that this government is not really genuine about reforms. Whatever reform there is, is because of utter necessity. It seems Nasheed is either ignorant of this or he is delusional or he is immorally self-interested (money and comfort?), if he remains a minister ...

Bringing reform within is a myth: it is pressure from without that forces the people within to bend to whatever extent that they are bending. Whoever there is, Nasheed or no-Nasheed, as reforms are now being forced on, reforms will come. If this is so, Nasheed should not be delusional to think he is the architect or agent of any reforms. Hence, I cannot accept that 'I am in the government to bring reforms' excuse.

And, if the media is not free from government propaganda before the elections, then whatever reforms that come after will be seen as too late.

cia said...

I am surprised you guys still cannot realize that there won't be any reforms unless force them through Gayoom's throat. This was the case until now and it is going to be the way in the future. CIA has told every year to U S congress that people of Maldives cannot change their governent through any legal means including the ballot box. We have to continue this struggle until this mad man is gone. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hate to say I told you so...How can a man like maumoon give all it up just like that.He wants people to think that he is changing his ways and his loyal minister wants his subjects to think all is done with his blessings.Believe me he just want change his spots.Its just like some one quitting drugs or even smoking when it comes to him the last pull or shot that eludes him and just relapses.We have gotten used to this de javu .sorry that you had to go all through this. I really do hope that some of the things you taught here will be used after you are gone.Maybe some will be inspired in the state media to make a stand and try to make it a truly free and make sure our footsteps into democracy is televised.


Terry said...

Everyone, thanks for commenting. I have a much more optimistic view that peaceful transition is possible. I really have no sympathies one way or another for DRP or MDP. Even in my own country I am registered as "no party preference." I only support good journalism that tells the truth. Also, I give high marks to Minister Nasheed in a tough situation. He knows it is wrong for the government to control the press, so he has taken a hands-off approach to what my team is doing, except to defend the changes when government officials complain that their vanity videos are no longer the top story on the news. Some in the president's office are supportive of modern public relatons, but some are not and those are the people continuing to send out the propaganda. The president needs to clean house with a big broom.