Monday, May 31, 2010

Body Pump!

DhiTV ran a Maldivian version of "The Biggest Loser." The host of the show, called "Dream Body" introduced me to the personal trainer who helped him lose 40 pounds. His wife teaches at a gym called "The Body Club" and when I went there for a workout, I was suprised to find two excellent Les Mills Body Pump Instructors, Maai and Hishko. They would fit right in at 24 Hour fitness, where I teach as a part time Group Exercise instructor in California. They kept up the energy throughout the one-hour class with excellent form and perfect cueing. Hishko also teaches an aqua class at the artificial beach, seen here on a typical evening. Notice that the women swim completely clothed, including a head veil if they wear it.Hishko also has a special story to tell. Her baby boy died last year of a congenital heart defect, when he was only two months old. After struggling to get a lifesaving operation in India, she and her husband started a non-profit organization called "Tiny Hearts." Until now, no one was even keeping track of Maldivian children with similar heart problems. Now, the organization is raising money to help 80 families with kids in need of medical care . TV newscasters from all the stations will be playing a soccer match for charity to help raise money and local companies including the Holiday Inn are helping out with contributions.Finally, Maai, Hishko and one of their friends showed me the World Cup dance they are planning to perform in a parade this Saturday to the Shakira song "For Africa." In addition to being great dancers, they are also outstanding human beings and I am proud to know them.

1 comment:

aptitudefit said...

It's amazing you got best Les Mills Body Pump trainer.It's really effective way to get Fitness.
Fitness Club in Delhi