Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome to Bonn, the surplus capital

When east and west combined, Berlin ended up with more than one of everything from city halls to zoos to airports. Now Hitler's famed Templehof airport, later used for the post-war Berlin airlift, is closed and the abandoned runways are a public park. West Berlin still has Tegel airport and this is the former East Berlin's airport called Schonefeld. It the home of low-cost airlines like German wings and has none of the former Nazi mystique of the old Templehof terminal.
Germany also ended up with two capital cities. The RIAS group flew from Berlin to Bonn, which is Germany's surplus capital now that the seat of government has moved to Berlin. The Rathaus or City Hall was all dressed up for the World Cup and we enjoyed a match in a bistro that had great pizza and holds English conversation nights once a week. The football commentary on Sky News featured a young hottie with an ancient guy who seemed to actually know something about the game. Good times and lots of "koelsch," the local beer made in nearby Cologne.

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