Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Party Boat on the Rhine

No environmental conference would be complete without a party yacht. No worries about carbon footprint; the organizers announced that they purchased credits to offset the emissions.
The top deck was a great place to mix and mingle with my RIAS mates, such as former NBC and ABC correspondent Bob Jamison. He even scored an entire bottle of red wine from the friendly waiters, who kept the drinks flowing. Other RIAS fellows made some new friends among the climate change experts as a jazz band recalled the sounds of the Big Band era when RIAS (Radio in the American Sector) was a lifeline to East Germans craving news from the other side of the Berlin Wall.
The party switched into high gear when "Germany's best party band" rocked the dance floor. The techno-pop hits attracted dancers of all ages and you didn't need a partner to hit the floor. You haven't lived until you've cruised the Rhine while dancing to the Black-Eyed Peas' hit "I've Got a Feeling," After wearing myself out,I retired to the sidelines, only to meet a lovely young man from Ghana who insisted I "dance with the prince." This was a real "Dancing with the Stars" moment as the guy proceeded to toss me in the air and spin me around while others cleared out of the way. Unfortunately, no one bothered to take a photo!

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