Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Face of Opportunity

Last summer, an invitation to enter the "Face of Opportunity" contest popped up in my Linked IN mailbox, so I took a moment to dash off a little essay about the Maldives Media Training Project, the impact it made on so many lives, and the end result of a free and fair democratic election with equal access to media for all sides. I wrote about my wish to continue the training program under the new government, and how it would help me to have a little face time with the new officials of the reorganized state TV and radio stations. Out of 6,000 entries... I'm one of the lucky winners of a free ticket on British Airways! And all beause I was Linked IN!
My travels will take me to London, where I hope to make a few new contacts before going on to Sri Lanka. Colombo was an unintended stop, because British Airways doesn't start flying to the fabulous resort destination of Maldives until the November chill hits London... so they're only taking me as far as Chennai India. Fortunately, the cultural affairs officer at the US Embassy in Colombo was willing to make a small grant to bring me the rest of the way, and also invited me to do a one-day workshop for Sri Lanka's TV reporters. Then... it's on to Male, capital of the Islamic Republic of Maldives. No resort time for me, just networking with dear friends from the last two trips and -- hopefully -- finding a way to come back for more.

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